Looking in from the outside

I had to forego a planned peloton workout today as I had to head in early in order to attend yet another zoom meeting. Things are reaching critical. We will know the answer before 12 noon tomorrow. We have been seriously messed around. In any event, I didn't have a mass of energy, so was happy to walk through to Leith Walk with Mr A and then up the hill until I decided that a bus was preferable.

After meetings, I headed early to the book festival to a university supported reception where I met not only university people, but also some blippers and book group people (some of whom will doubtless blip the photos), but I didn't attend any events. I watched a bit of Jenni Fagan in the garden waiting for others. I also went to the book shop and bought a couple of books for light relief. It would be rude not to.

Afterwards, had a quick drink with friends - blippers, book group people...in a sort of Venn diagram - and then headed home. I hate getting around Edinburgh at the moment. I walked to Lothian Road and by dint of a bit of running I caught a 10. Great, I thought, home in 20 minutes. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. 50 minutes it took, thanks to gridlock on York Place. I cannot even....

Waiting for young L. He's in the air coming north from that London. He should soon be here. His flight is apparently 10 minutes early.

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