through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes


My next destination?


I don't know why but once in a while, God places a destination in my heart. This time, it's the kids in Africa. Or maybe a visit to Ethiopia to see my sponsored child, Yishak. All God's timing though. I just have to wait.

I've never embraced my traveling side of me until my recent trip to Taiwan. I was mad that I never had a "home"; grew up in a family that moved constantly and even coming back to Chicago didn't feel like the same. Everything felt disconnected. My mom told me today at church that I've always been like this: always want to try new things, go to new places, road trips, etc. She wasn't surprised when I told her that Grace and Sarah joked about how out of us three, I'll be the farthest away.

Tried capturing a picture that would look like Africa but it was such a challenge haha.


Just whispering the name makes me all excited.

Ufanelw' ukudunyiswa! He is worthy to be praised!
-One Church. Many Voices. Album - Willow Creek Community Church.

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