Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Walled Garden

Church this morning and by the time we came out the sun was shining! I popped across to the church hall and spoke with the playgroup leader getting one out two glitches sorted out which was good.
Colin and I decided to go to the Water of Leith visitor centre this afternoon. We took our left over sandwiches from yesterday with us! Lovely to walk along the river in the dappled sunlight. The only animal life of notable interest was a pair of wrens. They move so quickly it's hard to see them, let alone catch an image.
On our way home we went into the Corstorphine Walked Garden, we've never been before. It was the source of my blip. The red admiral is clearly one of this years brood, its colours were magnificent unlike the very shabby and tattered painted lady nearby which I fear was on its last legs. I also saw several different whites. The plant is a spectacular viper's bugloss, it was almost glowing in the sunshine and the whole place was alive with bees. The bench is called the animal seat and I'm sure it's popular with the children of the Forest Kindergarten who use the space regularly.
I popped out a little later and dropped off some food at Ali's so she didn't have to cook this evening. It was a good excuse to see her and Josie who greeted me very warmly and I'm sure she held out her arms to me for the first time. Lovely. She was a little upset at nursery today but settled down. Its such a big change for her to deal with.
Eilidh and Isobel had a good first day in P5 and P2 respectably. Both like their teachers and enjoyed catching up with their friends after the holidays. They were straight back into the routine of breakfast club and after school club too.
On my way home I went back to church and spoke with the After School Club who use our hall. Again, I was sorting out a few things at the start of term and asking them to delay doing their start of session clear out, until after the bin strike is over! Today was the lay collection of any sort for the foreseeable future
I boiled up some black currants this evening and set them dropping overnight. Jelly making tomorrow, Isobel will be pleased, it's her favourite.

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