Green therapy...
Walking home from the docs, I went via the park for some tranquility and green therapy. The River Chew must’ve been in flood after yesterday’s torrential rain as there was debris and mud on both the footpath and bridge. One riverside cottage even had sandbags outside its door.
If you need help getting to sleep tonight, then read on for details of yet another fraught day. However, if you’ve got something better to do then I wouldn’t bother.
8.20am Phone-call from hospice physio. Who calls at 8.20am?!
9.40 Friend picked up Patient No1’s hearing aids to take for repair
9.50 Finally managed to speak to someone at hospital to find out what happened to Patient No1. All good.
11.00 Hospice carer turned up half hour late (stuck in roadworks) so didn’t manage to do what I’d planned while she was covering me.
12.00 Hospice nurse turned up half hour late (stuck in roadworks), leaving at 12.57, giving me only 3mins to get everything sorted so lovely K from next door could sit with the patients while I walked/ran to my doc appointment.
1.20 Made my blood test appointment by the skin of my teeth!
1.45 Doc appointment. Saw me 15mins early so I didn’t have to hang around; something positive at last!
2.00 Before leaving high street, rang local pharmacy to check they had Patient No2’s meds in stock. If not, I would get them on high street. Yes, in stock.
2.30 Back home, pharmacist phoned to say he’d made a mistake, didn’t have meds. I had a major meltdown on phone! Too exhausted to head out again. Lovely K stepped in and said she’d fetch them from high street pharmacy.
4.20 Hairdresser arrived 20mins late (stuck in café!) to cut both patients’ hair.
4.30 Friend returned with Patient No1’s hearing aids.
4.55 Lovely K’s husband E arrived with Patient No2’s new meds, except high street pharmacist had made mistake and only sent one med, and only half of that one! E told me pharmacist said the other half of the one med would be available tomorrow morning.
5.00 Supermarket delivery arrived early while I was trying to sort med problem with E and while hairdresser was still snipping away in hall. Hairdresser abandoned snipping and helped me unload delivery!
6.00 Phoned high street pharmacist who admitted mistake. Said I’d collect missing meds tomorrow morning while carer here. No, E got it wrong, meds not available until the afternoon! Thankfully the lovely K has offered to collect them.
8.00 Sat down for first time today and wrote this boring saga, with a large glass of wine in my hand!
Thank you so much for your kindness and understanding.
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