tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Change in the weather

Backblipping two days ago: the final stage of a circular walk around old haunts was accompanied by low rumbling from the south east and a darkening skyscape over these ruined stables where the horses and hounds belonging to a local mansion would have had a fine view over Abermawr Bay, when they could see it.

Extras for anybody else who likes to peer at small things:   

1. The first (and only?) cinnabar moth caterpillars I've seen this summer despite examining every ragwort plant I've come across. I can never get enough of their stripey skins that warn "I'm toxic!"

2. The intriguing tube homes of marine polychaete worms. The creaures themselves have gone but their calcified habitations remain encrusted on whatever surfaces they were attached to. I find the coiled patterns (aka German writing) quite mesmerising even though I've seen them a thousand times.

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