
These little pentas are providing a splash of colour on the balcony, which is largely past its best, but still in general a comfort.

It rained most of the day, including when we walked down to the Shore to meet meles and the elusive DaveH for a coffee and for an exchange of keys. But the rain was welcome and will have removed the need for me to water the balcony for a few days, which is good as I'm fed up with carting heavy watering cans around. I hope it rejuvenates the grass in the parks and people's gardens, but I suspect it will take a bit more than we have seen.

I spent a good part of the day editing the third of the four pieces I'm trying to get into a more or less final draft state by the end of the summer (or before the beginning of the semester). It needs one more day, which I can give it on Friday, I hope.

In the evening, we watched a programme about Ricky Demarco, which was quite illuminating, and then a programme about the fringe which RB13 said featured her briefly in an audience. It happened too quickly for me to pick up, but I'll take her word, and her picture, for it.

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