Clings Water Brig

A fine 2022 summer's day, cloudy and rain this morning, and to top it, a cooling northerly wind.  It did dry in the afternoon.  The school bairns go back tomorrow, so the sun will appear then. 

Up early, and a morning around the house.  I did manage a morning walk with Sammy, and didn't get too wet.  I spent most of the morning watching the new Loganair telly show, Sky High Club, which includes us at Sumburgh, but I don't feature.  Headed out in the afternoon for a gentle hike.  A steady evening working in the shop, more walkies and now feet up.

I was on a mission to look at an old croft house, Hawberg, but struggling to find any information about it, so my research will continue to another Blip.  Just below the croft, Sammy discovered this old brig (bridge).  I'm going to assume it was used for the croft, to link it to the nearby township.  I can't find any info about this brig either, but it has be old, could it be 17th or 18th century? Times like these I miss my old boss at the museum! Sammy does great at 14yo, but I keep the hikes gentle now.  Sammy looking onto his latest discovery, Clings Water Brig, Clousta. 

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