
By ferryoons

Just noticing

In the kitchen very early, before breakfast. I leaned over the stable door and looked out at the garden. Just noticing .

Early morning silence. No sound of gulls for the first time in weeks.  Fabulous. In the distance then, doves. Better still. Such fragrance from the flowers. You could almost taste it. And bees everywhere. If you plant the right things, they will come. Their survival is in our hands as much as anyone else’s..

There’s a half barrel in there. We planted a buddleia to go UP, and nasturtiums to flop DOWN. So the buddleia went SIDEWAYS and the nasturtiums went UPWARDS.    

Eventually the buddleia did go up, and you might see the last few blooms poking through. And the nasturtiums finally obeyed downwards. In their own time. You just had to wait.

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