Lift Bridge

Yes, a good day. First a trip to Lidl for the weekly shop.  Then the rest of the morning I was busy doing paperwork for the new job.  This meant drawing up a planning system for the kindergarten that suits us and the children-I think I am happy with what I have done.
Later on 'M' and I went up to the book festival which is at the Art College this year.  We liked the bookshop in the old Fire Station, but the festival itself isn't quite the same for mooching around as when it was at Charlotte Square. Everything is happening in the art school building, so there is not the same atmosphere and not much to see.
We walked back across the Meadows, through Tollcross and back along the canal.  This is the Leamington Lift Bridge just before the rain started again, we had a good coffee here from the canal boat which does refreshments.

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