Well only for about an hour but it cooled the garden and house down for a while and we took the dogs for a walk as soon as it stopped before it warmed up again, which it did.
Early walk again this morning and then we went for a run. We managed to run in shade for most of the route and got back before 9:30 and therefore just over 20 degrees. Ran along river and bit of canal, very quiet.
The dogs were funny when we got back and went upstairs for a shower, they started to follow and I said no, when I came out of the bedroom they were both sat on the stairs.
Hardest part of day was the ironing, even in the coolest room with the fan on I got very hot.
Made a chilli for dinner, odd choice in this heat but just fancied one.
Visitors for lunch on Sunday and then different ones following Wednesday so need to have a think about what to cook.
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