Jenny's fairy house.
Can't complain any more about the lack of rain. Round about half past nine we were treated to sheet lightning(see extra), fork lightning, thunder and rain which came and went all night with the sheet lightning being very regular and still going strong in the morning. Was downstairs before seven feeling tired and had a couple of hours peace before phoning the Claims Customer Service who sorted out who it was I needed to speak to and connected me with the Litigation Service. A long conversation ensued. I was given a phone number and email address so I could contact them any time. They contacted Watermans and now have a copy of the document Watermans sent me. I should never have received it they said and not to worry. So, for the moment I am not contacting my solicitor and am feeling fairly hopeful. Lay around doing nothing then tidied myself up and went over to photograph Jenny’s fairy house. An exotic tree had died in her garden and been cut down so she has made the stump into a garden ornament and it’s now producing fresh growth from the base. Just as I was about to leave for the dentist the phone rang. Guess what ? My appointment had been cancelled and rescheduled for tomorrow. Took my prescription to the pharmacy then came back and lay on the sofa reading until I nodded off. Felt much better as a result thank goodness.
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