
so yesterday i was cheeky enough to ask my neighbour if they were getting rid of the futon tht was in their yard (i could see if from my window)

they said they were so we hauled it into the house.
due to it having been outside for a few days, the futon was wet and grubby
i went on to call the amazing mum for infstructions on washing it.
so tied it onto the back of my bike and cycled it to the laundrette, where they have a big washing machine to put it in!

anyways, it was a fun trip
got it home with it still wet so that i could put the foam mattress back into it...had to crawl into the covering! was fun
anyways, it will hopefully dry smoothe and flat
and comfy!
mayb look like this soon...

the rest of the day was spent reading and eating.
i baked a cake and friends came over and we talked about the logistics and ethical considerations about adpotion!

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