Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Song School

I was too tired for church this morning, barely able to open my eyes, however by the time Colin got back I was awake.
We set off almost immediately for the Cathedral as we were having a congregational visit there. We started off with a picnic outside, in what was probably best part of the day. Next we headed into the cathedral for a guided tour. Lots of things I didn't know even though I've been going there for all of my life.
We finished off with a visit to the Song School built as a home for the choir and still used by them today. The main room was decorated by Phoebe Traquair and was one of her first major commissions being painted in the late 1880s after she completed the RHSC mortuary chapel.
She went on from this to paint the Mansfield Place Church which is now the Phoebe Traquair Centre. Our first Rector appears twice in the murals of the song school having been precentor in the cathedral.
The extra shows where the detail of my main blip came from. It's is a scene of the empty tomb with the two angels in white.
This evening I baby sat for Katy as she and Colin went to a concert at Leith Theatre.

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