Up Early and a lesson learnt

Hello Everyone,

The Photo:

This is another YouTube Sticker from a chap in Italy… we corresponded via email, and he lives in the town that hosts the headquarters of Campagnolo the maker of my favorite cycle components. After a few emails it transpires that he worked for them during his internship…. I am not sure why this information pleased me.

My Day:

So, I was up early and off to the workshop… Goodness me it was very hot there and not much fun. After I while a little thought popped into my head that as I was guaranteed to be the only one there, I could strip off to try and cool down a little.

Well, they say hindsight is a wonderful thing. I can now report that using machinery with your dangly bits hanging out is not a good idea. Anyway, I am home from the hospital now. Does anyone know if at 63 years old I am too old for a Bar Mitzvah – lol.

Nothing else to report.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy


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