The Show

The Worcester Show was in full flow today. Spread out at The Pitchcroft, home to Worcester racecourse,  there were many, many stalls, a Floral Marquee, an Art Marque, a large "sit down out of the sun' marquee and a stage with live performances. As it was another scorcher of a day I felt that there probably weren't quite as many people there as in previous years, though the central marquee was pretty full and chairs were at a premium.

We met Andy, Emma and Raff by the racecourse and wandered across, aiming for shelter from the sun/heat and a cup of coffee. I was ready to sit down anyway as we had decided to walk to the show from home due to possible parking issues.

After a drink, and a spot of lunch from one of the many outlets, "No Frickin Chicken" a vegan takeaway for people who miss meat I guess, though the food was very tasty, we had a wander around and finally went back to Emma's as they had taken Raffy back when he was tired.

We spent a pleasant hour or so there then had a lift back to Cathedral Square where we walked down to Paradiddles Cafe Music Bar, a place we have been meaning to try since we first saw it (yet another cafe within easy walking distance).  We sat in their courtyard garden with a cold beer (me) and cold coke (Ann).  A very interesting small off-beat place which is hosting a few shows during the festival.

I didn't really take much in the way of photos, it was too hot to stand around in the sun, and the showground too extensive.  This is a shot of the stage, sans performers, and a few people waiting to see the next act.  I think the harshness of the picture captures the heat of the day (possibly).  I've also added to the extras an Ann and Raffy pic as it made me smile!

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