
OH was playing golf today and I didn’t have any plans. I started emptying out the greenhouse to give it a clean and sweep but it was a bit hot! I emptied it out and promised myself an early start tomorrow before it gets too hot, to finish off. Probably not a great time to do it due to (a) weather and (b) hosepipe ban ( window washing will have to be with a bucket).

OH left around 11.00 so I also set off at the same time for beach trip. No short (long) cut this time, so I got there in just over an hour. The tide was in and the water was bliss. I read my book and snoozed and enjoyed my day. I’m re-reading Nevil Shute ‘on the beach’ but subject totally different from my sort of ‘on the beach’. I Listened to Real Dictators podcast on the way there and back. Mao Zedong this time …….really interesting but I Need to look for a slightly more cheerful podcast and reading material.

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