A Hot Blakeney Evening

My fridge / freezer was delivered at 4:45 pm yesterday and after leaving it for a few hours as instructed to 'settle', I switched it on and all worked fine. It did, however, act like a six foot tall radiator as it got hot getting to its working temperature - definitely not desirable in a heatwave! I got up early to cool the bungalow before going to Tesco for provisions. I get my groceries delivered normally, and one visit to the supermarket reminds me of why - most staff were busy stacking shelves and there were long queues at the checkout as only 3 were open, despite the shop being very busy. Too hot at 31.9C to do anything this afternoon except watch a film. Then I met friends from a cruise I did years ago at Blakeney for a bimble. It was about 3 degrees cooler at the coast, and felt even better as there was a lovely breeze. This photo was taken of the quay at 7:30, lovely to see so many people still out enjoying the weather. It was a lovely evening stroll, and so nice to catch up. Plus I had a glorious drive back along the beautiful coast road, listening to London Grammar, with the sun low in the sky - a perfect evening. 

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