The best part of the trip

From Sundridge, we drove down to Hamilton, leaving relatively early in order to catch a break with the traffic. Arrived at Mrs. Ottawacker's brother's place, where we had been expecting to stay following the impending demise of her niece's dog Riley. They had wanted to be close to him while he passed - and as we are animal lovers ourselves, we fully understood. As it happened though, Riley had responded exceptionally well to new drugs, and so we were able to stay with them after all. 

Dinner at Hogtown Smoke in Stoney Creek, which was quite nice. I had the smoked chicken, in case you were wondering. What, you weren't? Oh. Sorry.

Then over to Mandy and Andreas's (and Riley's) where Ottawacker Jr. discovered paradise. A basement cinema with wall-to-wall Pirates of the Caribbean movies. He'd have slept there if we'd have let him.

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