1st bluebell

We had to get my son's passport photo done today, so we headed into town early and had breakfast at Wetherspoon's. It was sunny when we set off and nearly felt like summer, we even saw a few brave people with picnic blankets in the park. By the time that we were heading home though, the clouds and wind had arrived and the people with picnic blankets had disappeared.

This is the first bluebell that I've seen this year. It's tucked under the quince in my garden and it was starting to get dark when I noticed it, so the photo is a bit fuzzy. You will probably see a lot more bluebells from me over the next few weeks, I love them!!!! They've always had a fascination for me, bluebell woods must be one of the most wonderful sights that there is. My daughter was born 5th May so the arrival of bluebells mean that her birthday is nearly here :0)

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