
By Eldora19


A beautiful day. Cannon had a knotweed job on the Ross so S and I decided to go too. The drive down was lovely, sunny but a huge sea mist hanging low on the sea. Cannon got on with his work and we went off to the charity shop for a look at books, picking up a couple of new ones. When Cannon was finished we drove over to Uisken beach, what a magical place, especially with this mist hanging over the sea. There were people in the water on paddle boards and swimming. We only had time to stay for an hour so we sat on our picnic blanket and ate olives, prosciutto and sourdough for lunch. I could have stayed all day and wished I had my swimming things. We left the beach and drove back up the road meeting loads of traffic on the way. Cannon carried on some more work in Lochdon whilst S and I went to the playpark, it was very hot and sunny and there wasn’t much shade to take a break in. Home and I made a quick roast chicken for dinner with some potatoes and veg from the garden. The news came and it wasn’t what we hoped but we are keeping our chins up and hopes high.

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