Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Colourful Summer planter.

The Feast Day of Saint Jambert.
I have watered the planters and our garden with a watering can, as it is already 23c and expected to be 29c again. In this community planter I have blipped, there are French Marigolds, blue trailing lobelia, tall cream dahlias and red Busy Lizzies. They are really creating a lovely abundance of beauty and showing their true colours. I have seen a few local cats sheltering under cars, which is potentially dangerous as they go to sleep in the sun.
I find that keeping the curtains drawn makes for a much cooler room. Sitting on fridge cold blue gel mats is a good idea but they need re fridging by afternoon.
The Jeremy Vine Show is discussing whether the government should declare a drought. It is vital we preserve water and realise how serious the current situation is especially in the South. No one should still be selling portable barbecues. No one should be doing fly tipping or littering, especially with the risk of wildfires.
I think it could be the tip of the iceberg what we are facing and we are all learning important lessons and how to adapt our lifestyle.
Take care everyone and enjoy your day.

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