
I woke with Ethan sliding up beside me at 6:45. We had a fun little game of ‘boo’ before Audrey put the TV on quietly. Soon Owen came through but found it harder to stay quiet and lastly Levi appeared. They are such fun boys.
Emily’s friend was bringing them breakfast for her birthday so we waited till she arrived then set off for home stopping at the donut shop for a coffee and donut for our own breakfast.
Mom decided to walk with Doug to the post office and take him out for coffee. Audrey got a call from Doug after quite a while asking for her to come pick mom up. She had fallen on her way back, just round the corner from the house. She came off ok with just a small cut/graze above her lip and knee. Her good one of course! She was pretty shaken up but insisting she was fine. After lunch she went for a nap.
We woke her up about 4pm before Ian, Hailee and Eleanor arrived for dinner.
Mom was feeling and looking better after her sleep and we had a lovely visit with Ian and Hailee.
Audrey had to go babysit Jensen’s kids and didn’t get back till about 8:30
I gave the hungry kittens a tin of cat food that I’d picked up as a treat for them. I made sure that mama got some too.
The moon is huge and utterly beautiful tonight. We finished the night by watching ‘Bewitched’.
Well…everything is packed and set for our trip. :D

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