Old swim spot

After work I loaded my bike onto the car. P had already loaded his and C’s bikes and prepared some supper. He called by mine and we transferred supper to my car. He went to collect C from work in Penrith. I went on to drop supper and swimming gear off at the old swim spot and drove back to meet them at Pooley Bridge. We then got on our bikes and cycled back up to the old swim spot for our swim and a lovely supper in the warm evening sunshine which would have gone from the dark side by then. It was beautiful and peaceful ... and then we did the whole thing in reverse.
However, people were parking up along there. Not as many as there would have been without the restriction but nonetheless there were vehicles there and others passing through, presumably heading for Howtown.
It feels frustrating going to all that effort after work to get there and follow the rules and restrictions that have been put in place only to have no enforcement and see others disregard them. I’ll be writing a letter to follow up the one I sent last year. I know the world won’t be falling apart but it’s the principle and the lack of consideration and ownership versus public access, and all that.

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