Cafe stop

Busy am
Shoe shopping - having. Parked at the bottom of the hill and walked up it
Almost cried when the total came up - but two pairs of very good school shoes- which will hopefully last the year
Unlike the pair that we bought wom at Easter as his had fallen apart- he’s outgrown them!
Library next
Trip to retail park to collect new swimming costume - munchies lost all its elasticity so was a necessity, also sorted out Unki Jamie’s birthday present.
Stopped in m&s cafe for a much needed drink and snack
Nothing to do with it being cool

Spent the afternoon in and out of the pool
In and out of shade

Woms asleep on the floor
Munchie is struggling to sleep
She’s currently next to me on one of the relaxer chairs with a blanket
Not sure how we will get her from here to her room but we will work out when needed

What glorious weather

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