
A creative window display from our local Cancer Research Charity Shop.

We passed it on our way back from the theatre where we'd been to see the winning entrants from the Tayken Photography competition displayed. This included two taken by T and it was especially nice to see them reproduced in poster size along with the others. I'd also entered by didn't win a prize, although I did get an honourable mention.

The exhibition was in the new studio theatre - it looks really good and I look forward to seeing productions I there next month.

This morning I went out with the Paths Group to lop over-hanging branches and broom from the path to Craigower. Fortunately we were mainly in the shade. The path runs alongside the golf course and I came back with 6 balls for T - makes up for some of the ones he lost.

Scrabble Group tonight.

Gheàrr sinn mealaidh faisg air an raon golf

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