Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

End of the Season....End of an Era

The final home match of the season today as we played Cardiff, although we have one more game left and that's the Cup Final next week against Pontypridd.

By the sound of it, it could be the final time we see some of the players in a Neath shirt on the Gnoll. For one of our players it was the end of his career with us. Euros Evans (he is at the frint of the players in this shot) has been a tremendous servant for Neath R.F.C. and has always given his heart and soul in every game; he has been Mr Consistent, never letting you down. Thanks Euros!

It was a disappointing game with too many errors from both sides, in the end I suppose an 18 all draw was the right result. Anyways I'd rather we played out of our skins next week and bring the cup back to the Gnoll.

In other news the back is still the same. :(

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