Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff


Wandered over to the ForthValley hospital to have a mooch about the grounds of the old Larbert House. There has been some paths put in around the old loch, acres of rhodedendrons cleared and curiously loads of picnic tables. Not my first thought for a days out picnicking unless they are anticipating hospital staff going there for a sandwich.

On other photo fronts Apple finally released an update for Fuji cameras but not the X10. It will accept the RAW's but instantly reduces them to half resolution as it can't cope with Fuji's twin pixel system. Looking over at Lightroom you can see Aperture beginning to show it's age though it's still miles ahead in terms usability I think. I wonder if Apple are really committed to it, as usual Apple seems to say sod all about anything. Not great for a user community watching the rival product get new features they would like to use with every new release.

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