
By Charlie17

Bloomin’ lovely!

We’ve stayed in the same house for about thirty years now.
The front door opens directly on to the pavement then there is a narrow border between the pavement and the road.
This border, has always been “ maintained” by the council as it is their property.
When I say maintain, I mean they spray a bit of weed killer about a bit and sometimes pick up some litter that has gathered in the shrubs they have planted. I usually pick up most of the litter but have tended to leave the rest to the council as I don’t want to contribute to job losses!
However, this year, in a moment of madness, I decided to dig it over and plant some cabbages and/or cauliflowers there. ( it was pointed out to me this may not be the best place to grow vegetables as they would all be polluted by exhaust fumes). I notified the council of my intent by email, but only received the customary reply - “thanks for your letter of concern. It will be passed on to the appropriate department who will do sweet
f… …”
My wife took it in hand to grow some flowers from seed and this is the result.
What a difference!

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