Worth waiting for!
Phew! A warm, sunny day here - probably not in southern terms, but warm enough when working outside. Spent most of the day in the garden, hoeing and weeding on the Drive Bed, one of the few fairly flat parts of the garden! Years ago I was given a white form of Herb Robert, a beautiful variant of a lovely native, but it's proved to be wickedly invasive, seeding everywhere, down the bank, on the roadside, in pots and tubs and even on the tarmac. So I've decided to try to eradicate it - if only I'd known all those years ago!
I haven't left the property today, so my Blip is another garden plant. This time it's one of the seeding heads of the Giant Himalayan Lily, Cardiocrinum giganteum. They seem to be fattening up so there should be loads of seed - unfortunately it takes around seven years from seed to flower - a long wait. Then it sends up a long stem, using up the whole contents of the bulb, and after flowering it dies, but will leave many bulblets around the base of the dying bulbs! Once you get into the routine there will always be flowering bulbs.
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