Fraying at both ends

13.5C and mostly bright with some showers (one of hail) in the breeze.

Grocery shopping this morning. When I was going back out to my car to get the last of the bags of shopping I noticed one of Apothecary7's windscreen wiper blades was lying coiled across her windscreen. I had a closer look and two thirds of the blade was hanging off. Not good. A quick phone call to Halfords to make sure they had the right blades in stock before Apothecary7 decided to go through to Arbroath and got new blades fitted. Better.

While Apothecary7 was gone I pottered around the garden. I watered the greenhouse plants and all the containers and pots. I got rid of last years Sweet Pea stems and tidied the canes away. I like to leave plants stems over winter where I can for insects which might care to shelter there. Then I made up some weedkiller and sprayed it on the circle of soil within the little lawn where the sweet peas were. I'll dig that over in a few days and the soil will soon be ready for this year's planting.

It was still before lunch when Apothecary7, Maeve the Deerhound, and I went for our usual walk. There were spits and spots of rain around but no more than that. I can't remember that we saw a single soul all the way round until we were heading back up the main road.

At the Fishermen's Huts at Westhaven I found this little piece of rope lying on top of an upturned boat. "Best get a shot or two before that blows away" was the very good advice from Maeve the photographer's assistant :-)

Later there was chocolate, and there is fizzy pink wine yet to come !

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