
I went for a swim in the nearby lake first thing. Blissful.

At this morning's site-meeting I looked out of the hole in the back wall and saw what next-door's children have been excitedly telling me about for weeks (the children know far more about the day-to-day practicalities of my build than I do): the grabber that comes into the car park behind my garden and hoists tons and tons of waste over the back wall into a lorry to drive away. I'm very lucky that my garden backs onto a car park and that two years ago I negotiated access for the duration of the build. Otherwise everything would have to be carted through the house and put in a skip at the front which a skip-lorry would find very hard to remove now that my road has been blocked off at one end.

This evening I went to the cinema to see NTLive's Prima Facie which lots of friends have recommended. Jodie Comer is phenomenal - she's the only actor, on stage throughout, and has a very wide and utterly convincing range of emotion, movement and voice. If you are interested in acting, go while you can.

The play is about how the legal system deals with sexual assault and how a perspective on that shifts as the experience of it changes. It's well-conceived (written by ex-lawyer, Suzie Miller) though the friend I went with and I agreed that during the second half it became more polemical than convincing (earlier for me than for her). But both of us were pleased to have seen it and afterwards discussed changing attitudes to sexual assault and consent. If experiences that our generation would never have dreamed of talking about, let alone taking near the law, have a chance of being addressed we must absolutely do it.

NT has linked up with the Schools Consent Project which is trying to improve understanding of consent among 11-18-year-olds. Excellent.

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