
By Bosun8

Buteo buteo (Latin)

This is the commonest and most widespread UK bird of prey. It is quite large with broad, rounded wings, and a short neck and tail.

Greatest numbers are here in Scotland, Wales, the Lake District and SW England, but now breeding in every county of the UK. Found in most habitats particularly woodland, moorland, scrub, pasture, arable, marsh bog and villages. May even be seen in towns and cities including Glasgow. Look for birds soaring over wooded hillsides in fine weather, or perched on fence posts and pylons. In some areas they are known as the tourists' eagle, often being mistaken for this larger bird of prey.

I've been trying to catch one of these for ages now and when I do it is from the car. the bird probably didn't see the car as a threat, if I had got out of the car I probably would have been a threat and it would have been long gone before I had the chance to take the shot.

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