Cold Snap

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow, 

I was working from the couch today. And just as well it was effing COLD. 

Not helped by cats needing doors open. All over the house. Punky wanted into the garage, Jasper wanted into the garden and Digi wanted her window/escape hatch open in the spare bedroom.

But it's the same all over the country. I called Philippa in Auckland and she was wearing fingerless gloves. 

Philippa is South African. There are a surprising number of them here in Aotearoa. Shenée and Fazzy you already know about. But it seems like every other person I speak to has THET EX-SENT*.

Philippa LOVES me. As do all my other South African women. I pointed this out to Fazlyn. 

"I don't know what it is," I commented in an online chat. "Why is it that you South African women all feel the need to tell me how amazing I am?"

There was a long pause -  


- typed Fazzy.

I have drifted from the subject which was this: FECKING COLD.

But a nice sunset, I'm sure you'll agree.


* To exacerbate matters, Caro is also watching "Survivor: South Africa" at present. They have a secret immunity idol in the show which the puckish producers have named the "Diplomatic Immunity" idol. Clearly SOMEONE is an 80's action movie fan.

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