St John's Steep

We ventured into Bristol, and I wanted to get inside the Luminarium currently anchored on College Green. We didn't have tickets but the walk in was quite short. However, the queue marshall advised us it was >45ºC inside it, and 'we decided' that we would skip it for now. It's there a few more days yet.

From outside it reminds me of Moonbase Alpha, or perhaps an Arctic exploration base. (see extra)

We wandered on, looking for excitement. Bristol, it has to be said, is looking very tired. Grubby, full of crowd control Heras fences (whether recently used or ready for the next event, I can't say). As a born and bred Bristolian I found it hard to equate the Bristol I grew up with with this shabby reality. I guess I've been a country mouse for too long...

However... we wandered through the old city centre (now slowly being re-tree'd it seems after they ripped out the original floral displays and mature trees for the shallow urinal like water features) and at the back of St John's Steep (yes, really) we stumbled upon this remarkable street art.

Again, random Heras fencing intruded, so I've offered up a couple of shots where you can perhaps see the join between the wall and the ceiling...

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