St Nicholas Church

The church bells were ringing this evening.

I have to confess to working myself into a mountain of worry when I saw Liam had turned off his location sharing and then messaged to ask when I would be finished work as he was coming to see me. I knew he had been low the last couple of days and had begun to imagine all sorts! 
Turned out, it was just that, he was low and needed to talk. We chatted away, discussing various things like work, which he likes but his manager who is much younger than him is making life difficult. We talked about B and how in the last three months he has experienced other losses too. Later we went out to eat before a drink in the garden and then he headed home. He sent me the loveliest message when he got home saying he felt so much better, just for seeing me and being able to talk. I have to say it did me good too. I haven’t seen any of them since the funeral, and we both needed it. To sit and chat made me feel a little bit normal!  It also felt good to be useful! 

Daniel later reminded me that after my dad died, I used to get paranoid about knowing where they all were, what time they’d be home etc and that my worry over Liam now was similar. I’ve no idea what it means but I’ll try not to overthink things! 

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