No time for 'nothingness'

My human can't believe how busy she is these days. Even though the 'lock down restrictions' in Scotland ended almost 4 months ago, she still hasn't adapted back to her 'normal' life. Actually she can't remember what her 'normal' life was?!!  After two years of doing nothing, she now has no time for 'nothingness' is that a word and by the time I've had my afternoon walk, she's always tired!!!

Today, she made me get up at 6.45am to go for my walk because she wanted to go to a Pilates class at 9.15am. She would normally allow 15-20mins to get to her fitness club but honestly, you wouldn't believe the state of the Edinburgh roads at the moment. It seems like everywhere you want to go there are 'road closed' signs and 'route diverted' signs. It's an absolute nightmare. Needless to say, Ann was the last one to arrive at Pilates so the only space left was at the front of the class. Grrrrr.......... my human likes to be at the back. Lol!

When she came home she took me for another walk and then went to work 12-4pm.

Obviously I needed my afternoon walk when she came home from work so she said, 'Trixie, I need to do a supermarket shop so we'll go and do that. You can wait in the car and then I'll take you to the park to play with your ball.' Best laid plans and all that?!! Ann hadn't realised how hot it was, but when I jumped into the car it was 25C. I NEVER get left in the car if the temp is over 20C so she said, 'Trixie, let's forget the supermarket shop even though I'm running low on wine and diet Coke. You're OK you've still got two big carrots in the fridge. We'll just go to the park. So that is what we did. And tbh, it was quite breezy in the park. I played with my ball for a bit and then I went racing across a whole football pitch because I wanted to jump into the burn for a bit of a cool down. The only problem with that plan was................ there's hardly any water in the burn so my cool down didn't actually cool me down very much.

Anyway, we were home by 5.30pm and Ann had vaguely thought that she might try and make it to the fitness club by 6pm to do the 'Cardio Express' class what the f*** is cardio express? Mmmmm.................... she poured herself a glass of wine instead. Lol! And we're going to stay in and watch 'soaps' tonight because my human is tired!!!

PS – 30 years ago my human was working full time as a primary teacher, she was also teaching two evening aerobic classes a week (and taking part in at least seven aerobic classes a week), working in a video shop bet the younger Blippers don't even know what videos are two evenings a week, studying for an 'Open University Degree', and going to Cinderella Rockerfellas (it was a nightclub) until at least 3am every Thursday night?!!!  She didn't have an automatic washing machine so everything had to be washed by hand, though she was really lucky because she had a second hand spin dryer which was a godsend in a 4th floor flat.  And obv she couldn't do an online shop well she's only done three of those in her whole life

…................And now she's tired after 3 dog walks, a four hour shift at work and a Pilates class?!!!

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