Two Unusual Plants.

The white one on the left looks like a lily but it's called a 'Sea Daffodil'  or pancratium maritimum . It is native to the Canary Islands, so how it wound up in our garden, neither near the sea nor the Canary Islands, is a total mystery. It is actually in the Amaryllis family so not a daffodil either.

The orange one on the left looks like a daisy but is actually a 'Mexican Sunflower' or tithonia rotundiflora, a member of the aster family. We planted it but didn't expect it to reach three feet in height with a little bloom on top. It looks like it might sprout more blooms in time and if it does, it might be quite spectacular...or not. 

It's always fun to have these little dramas going on in the garden. After our brief tour of lush Berkeley gardens, ours looks quite arid, but it is colorful and surprising....

Our weather has been quite nice...foggy and overcast in the morning clearing by ten o'clock, afternoons reaching about 80F. We put up the dart board and figured out how to attach the 'flights' to the shafts. The instructions weren't very clear so of course we looked it up on the internet. This produced numerous YouTube videos and voluminous instructions. Dart players take themselves very seriously. We couldn't even figure out how to make the 'innovative' box the darts come in work...

This does not bode well for our dart playing skills...especially since we don't take ourselves very seriously....

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