Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Poetry Circle

First Sunday of the month. In the People’s Park organised by Bray Arts Group. We sit in a circle and each person can either recite their own poem, another’s poem or simply just listen and enjoy.

The sun was shining; the footballers were footballing and we sat in our circle on the bandstand on a lovely Sunday mid-day.

My blip is taken before the event commenced (phones turned off - no distractions please) as I looked over a poem I would recite by Shelley - ‘Ozymandias’ … a statement about the emptiness of power seeking and how honour can be lost in the pursuit of adulation

Next time I hope to recite a poem I wrote about 2 years ago and have finally finished.

Sundays should be full of doing what sustains and fulfills you

Just sayin’

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