Vice Admiral Sir James Jungius KBE DL

Vice Admiral Sir James George Jungius KBE DL (15 November 1923 – 14 October 2020) was a Royal Naval officer who became Deputy Supreme Commander Atlantic.
He served between 1943 and 1980 and following his retirement became the patron of many charities and organisations including Falmouth Royal Naval Association of which he was President.
He was also deputy Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall.
Although the first ten years of my naval career coincided with the last ten years of his naval career it was not until I joined Falmouth Royal Naval Association that I first met him, that would have been in the late ‘90’s.
I remember him as being an easy man to talk to, he was interested in the modern Navy and as I was still serving quizzed me on my opinions.
When his wife, Rosemary, became ill he stepped down as President of FRNA to care for her and after her death in 2005 he move up to Sherborne to be with his family.

So today I fortified myself with a mug of strong coffee and headed off into the chaos that was the A30/A303 traffic and headed for Sherborne Abbey for Sir James Memorial Service.
Leaving a little after 9:00 I arrived in good time, it was a good service but never have I been in a room with so many admirals!!
I stopped briefly at Digby Hall opposite the abbey for a coffee and sandwich with the family and attendees but after a brief chat with the current Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall, Edward Bolitho, I offered my apologies and headed back down to Falmouth.

Some would, and have, queried why I spent over seven hours in a car in heavy traffic for a one hour church service and a thirty minute coffee break my answer is because it’s what we do.
He was our President, I liked Sir James personally and as the current Chairman I attended to represent those FRNA branch members, past and present, with whom he has a link.

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