Lovely things at the allotment 2

These are on the plot next to mine, and they’re really tall, about 12 feet. I think they’re artichokes, but they could be cardoons. 
My allotment is my ‘happy place’ - a useful expression I think, fairly new to me. Whichever way I look there’s something different. I like the tree and sky in this. 
August 6th is the anniversary of dropping the atom bomb on Hiroshima (Nagasaki on the 9th). I remember reading about Hiroshima and Nagasaki when I was 11 - a long and detailed article in a Sunday supplement. It was 20 years on - and the article talked not only about the deaths, and the way people died, but the illnesses in the months after, but continuing right up to 20 years later, including birth defects.  I think I started to grow up that day, not only horrified, but also convinced it was up to ordinary people to fight against wrongs. The optimism of the sixties!! Haha. We thought we could campaign for women’s rights, black rights, gay rights, justice and equality. I suppose some things were achieved - but feeling pretty low about it all at present.  Who could have believed that a woman would be forced to bear a child against her will - not only in the US but also Poland? How is it possible we are seeing poverty in Britain like we’ve not seen in my lifetime? And that the 2 people who are fighting it out to be the U.K. PM are both dedicated to policies which will increase poverty and inequality? 
I think I’d better go down to my allotment now:)

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