By lizzie_birkett

Smiles! :-)

Today we took Tonya and Yurii to Settle and first we went for tea and cake
at The Folly - the cookies and cream chocolate cake was a bit too sweet!
They liked Settle very much.
When we came home they went for a nap, as did Frank. I pottered around in the garden for a while.
Tonya and Yurii made our dinner - It was delicious. Rice with a tofu and tomato mild curry, salad and avocado on crackers with rocket leaves.
While they were in the kitchen I had a phone call and a familiar voice said,‘I’m at the end of your road can I pop in?’ It was our friend Pauline from Dunscore in Dumfries where we used to live. What a lovely surprise!
We haven’t seen her for about 4 years. Her Mum is in a nursing home down here and she was visiting. We had such a lot to catch up on and it was so nice to see her.
 When she left we had our lovely meal and then Frank, Yurii and Tonya played Jenga. They hadn’t seen it before and what a laugh we had. The 3 of them managed to build the tower up really high. Extra.
They have taught us some Ukrainian! 
Dobryi Ranok means Good Morning and Pryvit means Hello.


takes many forms,
a sign, a wink,
a friendly touch,
broken english,
spanish or swahili
but by a long shot
the simplest of all,
is a smile :-)

We’re knackered now so goodnight!
:-) X

PS. I haven’t had time to thank you all for the lovely comments, stars and hearts so here’s a big THANK YOU to all you lovely Blippers! X

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