
By CreativeCarol

Spring Fling!

It seems like a week passed since yesterday. I complained that the birds kept me from sleeping. I wish that had been the case last night. We received a call at 1:30am from our son-in-law, that he took our daughter, to the ER with chest pains and shortness of breath. We spent most of the night at the ER and then brought our granddaughter home with us to spend the weekend. Thankfully, the Doctors have ruled out a lot of things and have admitted her for further tests. There was no sleep after that!

Life just has to go on, even when you are tired. We had agreed to host a party for over 100 Bible Study Fellowship Leaders at our home this evening for dinner and fellowship. They are an amazing group of wonderful Christians that rallied around us and helped us pull off the party. It was a blessed event that was very special to us. There was no way to get a photo with everyone it in, so I settled for the table that my husband and I sat at.

Off to bed and I hopefully will catch up later!

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