A Grand Day Out...
Typing fast as it's almost the witching hour and then this will be a back blip!
Lie in.
Cheese and tomato toastie for lunch. Not particularly exciting but it was delish!
Visit from stepdad John. Alan VERY excited to see his grandpa.
Tea and Emptire bicuits brought by Grandpa.
All into the car and a off for a nice run to Crieff then following the River Earn.
Stop for ice cream at St Fillan's.
Drive around Loch Earn, through Balquidder and along Loch Lubnaig to Callander.
Wander along Callander main street then fish suppers in the car before heading home.
A grand day out right enough :))
Made a banana loaf this evening. First since my disasters in November. Discovered that I'd gone wrong then as I had doubled all the ingredients to make two loaves but had forgot to double the amount of bananas! Silly cow!
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