Multiple Exposure

The zinnias from the garden are looking a bit tired but still interesting enough to play with a bit....

John had his turn with the dermatologist this morning. It took awhile, but he eventually jumped ship from the previous practice which was feeling more and more like an assembly line. I made him an appointment with the woman I have been seeing for a couple of years who lives in our neighborhood but has a practice with her husband in the next town. She's very good about 'zapping'  numerous non-malignant skin growths known in the trade as 'barnacles' with liquid nitrogen. (Otherwise known as cryosurgery). They also often bring their dog, a very sweet lab mix, to work. She's well behaved and loves to greet patients as they come in the door.

John took Spike to the vet for his annual check-up. He said the place was a madhouse and Spike was quite the handful in the waiting room. He had lots of conversations with other people waiting about Spike's eyes, but neither he nor the vet brought up the subject.  He (Spike, not John) got his shots and his nails clipped. 

We will actually be leaving Sonoma county tomorrow for the first time in several years. After many futile efforts to meet some Berkeley friends halfway for lunch, we finally decided to drive down there and return to the old stomping grounds for a visit and a trip down memory lane. A drive that we used to do routinely every weekend has become more daunting over the years and we decided it was high time to stop acting like hermits. We will spend the night and come home on Saturday.

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