Back at the Jam

A frustrating morning, the firealarm engineer didn't turn up and then I went to pay the Hendstock bar cash into Nat West.

Dear Nat West, if you are reading this. It might be worth putting a sign up a customer will see before they spend 15 minutes in the queue for the only teller, pointing out that all coins have to be put into an automatic sorting machine first... Before you waste 15 minutes.

Grrr, anyway the cash is all in, total is just over £5,400, anyone else who wants to donate please do so here...

david donnan is fundraising for Meningitis Now (

Out to the Saffron Walden Jam this evening. Dave and I went along to support Isla, I ended up being photographer for the evening. It's been a while so took a few acts to get my eye in. A lot of good acts tonight, Isla was excellent.

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