
By Sonset25

Face to face!

Rob sorted out my curtain track, using very special (-to me) screws with barbs which grips material in the ceiling cavity.  Unbelievable John Lewis used ordinary rawl plugs for a ceiling track with a curtain suspended!

Had hair trim after 5 months and caught up with Robbie who's been my hairdresser since the 1980s.  He's Italian-British and worked in a salon not far from my Italian rellies.  So we catch up on his family: his brother is a hairdresser too and now works in Italy, Italy and all sorts of topics.  

Chiropractor appointment this afternoon.  Back doing well, don't have to go back for 6 weeks. 

Was sitting in the garden after 8pm. I hear a rustling behind my chair.  Less than 50cm away is a fox cub.  I say:  hello, lovely to see you as it passes to my left into the hedge then in front to our plum tree where it starts to eat a windfall. See extra. 
It then approaches me and stands in front of me - main blip.  You can see the tip of my shoe in the shot.  All the time I'm talking to what I believe is a him.  He's calm, unflappable, bold.  I don't make any sudden moves. I hold my hand out and it just looks on then passes on my right within reaching distance and into another back garden.  
My heart is full.  This creature is so small, fragile and above all beautiful. These few moments are magical!  All the crap and chaos of the world has been replaced if only for a few moments.   

Returned to the house and put some chopped pear, dog biscuits and an egg out.  Within minutes 2 cubs arrive.

A lovely end to the day. 

Good night and stay safe everyone.

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