Catching up in the garden

Eben had a difficult time getting to sleep last night, but made it eventually and slept through till 6.30 a.m. Then I made pancakes for breakfast and dropped him off at his holiday club for the day.

Then - another stunningly beautiful day. As it rained earlier in the week (I know we were lucky), I've been able to water the pots from the water butt. Today's local paper suggests that we may have a hosepipe ban soon.
I tidied up the forest of tomato plants that I found toppling over each other in one bed (extra), and had a good close-up look at the wonderfully scented Clematis x triternata Rubromarginata. A long-time favourite, currently clambering up our back wall behind the fig tree.
The fig tree is sporting gloriously ripe figs right at the top, just where we can't reach them. There are more lower down, not quite ripe yet, but I hope they'll ripen during this month.  Then we'll need to get some serious pruning done before next season.

All of this is very therapeutic; much-needed, as I scan headlines about a forecast recession, and the potential for 13% inflation. We are sailing into a storm, I think, as I watch Truss and Sunak make crazier and more populist promises each day.

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