Thistles standing in sunshine !
KJD took me to the GP surgery this morning, where the nurse would take a blood sample ' em 'em ! That was almost null & void ? It seemed that less than a quarter of a vile was taken ( bloodless I am ! ! ) But it was sent on to the lab. so let's hope there was enough?
As we were going to the car these lovely Thistles were on the roadside , a blip not to miss, however the "painting " looked better in reality than it does on the blip, so you need to use your imagination folks lol.
A few bits & postage was done for me on the way home. Then k insisted on watering the plants in the porch & cleaning the porch before replacing them.
Her & The Rev are going away for the weekend, really deserved too.
Do hope you're having a happy day folks.
Thank you soo much K for all your help today.xx
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