Take Me To The River

Realised on my way home from a play rehearsal that I hadn’t taken a blip photo yet today. I’d already stopped at Tesco, but that is not the most photogenic of locations, so I pulled in by the river a few miles further down the road. Hopped off, took the photo and then hopped back on and rode off, much to the bemusement of the tourists sat in their car further up the lay-by.
It’s been a bit of a lazy day really. An hour in the gym before lunch and three hours of play rehearsal before tea is all the activity I’ve had today and the rehearsal wasn’t exactly what you’d call strenuous. Still, it got me out on the bike again, which is always a good thing. Although it looks quite bright in the picture, I was actually dodging the rain all the way home. Fortunately, only a few drops actually hit me and that was when I was almost home anyway.

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