Just the Withers......

By JaneW

This baby ….

Is now 18 years of age …..
We are so proud of her . She’s shelved the idea of Uni this year because she wants to do A’level chemistry in one year to go with the biology and reapply for Bristol . Nottingham offered her veterinary but she really wanted Bristol so she’s going for it again . If she doesn’t get an offer next year she’ll know it wasn’t meant to be and she will go to who ever has offered next . Sensible girl . She’s also got a spread sheet on plan B , C and even a D …. Her end game ideally is working with primates and conservation ideally abroad . Mind you she did suddenly shout out about liking bears and going somewhere cold .. HA !
Having said that my god she likes to party … I think her liver is not friends with her today ….

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